Decisions in the deliberation room are greatly influenced by whether jurors connect with you, your witnesses and your trial story. Which jurors are likely to embrace your story? And more importantly, which ones aren’t?
CourtroomLogic incorporates our specialized knowledge of juror attitudes, social science, psychology, group dynamics and communications to offer unique insight into the jury selection process. We coordinate logistics, create seating charts and jury questionnaires, and help you determine the best way to question the panel. And when the big day arrives? We’re by your side to assess juror attitudes, observe jury behavior, and consult on those critical decisions related to peremptory strikes and challenges for cause.
Our goal is to help you make the best use of your limited time by identifying potentially dangerous jurors, desensitizing the panel to bad facts, and effectively advocating critical trial issues without identifying strikes or challenges for cause for your opponent.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis id faucibus tortor. Phasellus commodo eros vel ipsum cursus semper. Aenean non eros scelerisque, malesuada dolor id, pharetra risus. Cras vitae ex arcu. Maecenas pulvinar placerat elit, vel varius ex maximus tincidunt.