Persuasion Matters

Top 10 Blog Posts from 2018

The Top 10 Posts from 2018

Top 10 Blog Posts from 2018As we welcome 2019, we thought we’d ease back into the world of blogging with a highlight of the Top 10 articles from the year we just ushered out the door. While we noodle new ideas and worthy tips to share during the coming months, we hope you’ll visit, revisit and share the posts below!

The #1 Blog Post of 2018:

5 Tips for Becoming a More Persuasive Speaker

Ferris Bueller's Teacher

When was the last time a conference speaker wowed your socks off? That long ago, huh?  The most effective speakers are the persuasive speakers. Don’t be this guy. Be the speaker everyone raves about. It’s not nearly as hard as you might think.

Don’t Be Average, Be Awesome



The #2 Blog Post of 2018:

What Jurors Really Think, Part 1: Organization

Is digging around in a box of exhibits viewed as par for the course by jurors? What about a bunch of clutter at counsel table? With so few cases ever going to a jury, the opportunities to gather reliable and honest intel from actual jurors have decreased significantly. Lucky for us, the good folks at Cornell University Law School shared the results of their multi-year study and we shared some highlights with you.

Are You A Messy Marvin?


The #3 Blog Post of 2018:

Courtroom Conduct Matters. Yes, Counsel: That Includes You.

Sign showing "high road" and "low road" symbolizing the importance of good conduct in the courtroom

Sometimes, we’re fortunate to observe stellar litigation attorneys who should be considered exemplary examples of what “to do” inside the courtroom. Other times? Well, other times we observe things that become ripe for a blog post. In this article, we share our essential rules for courtroom conduct.

What Not to Do, Please


The #4 Blog Post of 2018:

What Jurors Really Think, Part 2: Delivery

What you say is important, of course. But equally important is how you say it. And (shocker) jurors have some thoughts on the delivery styles of the lawyers they’ve seen.

Don’t Be A Drama Queen (or King)



The #5 Blog Post of 2018: 

The Rhyming Theme of OJ’s Dream Team

Two black leather glovesJohnnie Cochran was a great lawyer who won some big cases. But he will always be remembered for one sentence: “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit.” The rhetorical genius of that single sentence contains volumes of lessons for lawyers looking to win over a jury.

The Genius of A Good Rhyme



The #6 Blog Post of 2018:

What Jurors Really Think, Part 4: Professionalism

Think of a trial as theatre: there are actors, costumes, scripts, antagonists, and protagonists. Think of professionalism as the set dressing: the unnoticed, but oh-so-important little touches, that keep the audience entranced and engaged. Is your audience focusing on things that matter, or are they distracted by discourteous behavior and trendy socks?

Don’t Be a Distraction


The #7 Blog Post of 2018:

Breakfast of (Courtroom) Champions

Trial prep is grueling work. Long hours, vending machine food, too much coffee, not enough water, and criminal amounts of sleep deprivation. Sadly, none of those things contribute to a great courtroom performance. But there are some easy tricks for surviving those days when you undeniably need a clone.

Take Care of You


The #8 Blog Post of 2018:

What Jurors Really Think, Part 3: Presenting Evidence

Unnecessary repetition, a tsunami of details, confusing questions: all these things make jurors crazy and cause your credibility to plummet. And when your cred goes down, so does your client’s.

Cut Out the Fluff



The #9 Blog Post of 2018:

Two Reasons ‘Fake News’ Spreads Like Wildfire

Man holding "scale" of fake news and truthful facts. It’s so maddening when you see a news story that’s clearly fake — or, at least, sensationalized — take off, while the less glamorous but arguably more important true story is ignored. Did you ever wonder why that is?

Use This Power for Good, Not Evil



And last but not least… the #10 Blog Post of 2018:

How to Meet Your Witness’s Need for Approval

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs PyramidProbably the one thing you remember from your college psychology class is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It works in the courtroom too. If you want to bring out the best in your witnesses, go back to the basics.

Psychology 101: Witness Edition




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